Learn to climb on actual rock and cliffs by signing up for Cape Ascent’s two day sport climbing course. This comprehensive course will help you learn climbing safely in the great outdoors with your friends.
One simple piece of advise applies to any form of rock climbing: As simple as this sport may seem, the technicalities and nuances are staggering. The best way to learn is with the help of an experienced guide or mentor. It is critical to familiarise yourself with the basics of climbing, handling your gear and safety precautions, before you blindly head off on a cliff.
What is sport climbing? – It is the act of climbing single or multi-pitch routes, protected by permanently fixed bolts and anchors drilled into the rock, using a rope and the aid of a belayer.
These pre-placed stainless steel bolts for protection uses less gear and is far less overwhelming that traditional climbing for a novice. Anyone can learn sport climbing. You guide will look after your safety and ensure that you get the most out of the experience.
Many sport climbing areas feature single-pitch climbs. Generally the term “pitch” refers to a route length that can be climbed and protected by a climbing rope of average length, typically around 60 meters.
Who should do the course? – Anyone wishing to take up rock climbing as a sport or any sport climber who needs a skills refresher. This course is also ideal for gym sport climbers wanting to venture outside, climbing real rock. The course will be facilitated at an accessible venue with easy to moderate routes to practise your new skills. Here you can start climbing safely on your own or with fellow climbing enthusiasts. Generally the second day will be dedicated to the actual climbing and climbing techniques.
Topics covered in the course include equipment, ropes, knots, natural and bolted anchor set-ups, single-pitch climbing, top-roping, abseiling, cleaning of routes, route finding and guide books, lead climbing, climbing techniques, crag etiquette, safety and emergency procedures.
Climbing equipment for the course is supplied, but additional equipment will be showcased as well, giving you the opportunity to experiment. This will help you make informed decisions when investing in your own gear.
Participant requirements: The course is open to any reasonably healthy and physically capable person over the age of 16 years. Courses for younger participants can be arranged on request and with a guardian’s consent or presence.
Course duration & times: The duration of the course is two consecutive days, usually over a weekend.
The course generally starts at 08h00 and concludes at about 16h00, depending on the size of the group.
Group size: A minimum 2 participants and a maximum of 4.
Equipment: Cape Ascents provides all of the required climbing equipment. Climbing shoe sizes are limited and might have to be rented from outside provider for your account. Participants must bring appropriate clothing, water and food for the training days.
Course Fee: R2080 pp* for the two day course.
*transport, meals, accommodation, permits, personal medical or rescue insurance are excluded from the course fee.